Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol
Influência do artigo |
1.41 |
1040-0605 |
Abreviação do periódico |
American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology |
Área temática |
Airways, Pulmonary Circulation, Lung Endothelial And Epithelial Cells, The Pleura, Neuroendocrine And Immunologic Cells In The Lung, Neural Cells Involved In Control Of Breathing, Cells Of The Diaphragm And Thoracic Muscles, Gas-Exchange, Metabolic Control At The Cellular Level, Intracellular Signaling, Gene Expression, Genomics, Macromolecules And Their Turnover, Cell-Cell And Cell-Matrix Interactions, Cell Motility, Secretory Mechanisms, Membrane Function, Surfactant, Matrix Components, Mucus And Lining Materials, Lung Defenses, Macrophage Function, Transport Of Salt, Water And Protein, Development And Differentiation Of The Respiratory System, And Response To The Environment. |
Editora |
American Physiological Society |
Idioma |
english |
Editor-chefe |
Michael A. Matthay |
País |
United States |
Alcance do periódico |
International |
Submissão para vários periódicos |
Not Allowed |
Acesso livre |
NA |
Tópicos específicos |
Airways, Pulmonary Circulation, Lung Endothelial And Epithelial Cells, The Pleura, Neuroendocrine And Immunologic Cells In The Lung, Neural Cells Involved In Control Of Breathing, Cells Of The Diaphragm And Thoracic Muscles, Gas-Exchange, Metabolic Control At The Cellular Level, Intracellular Signaling, Gene Expression, Genomics, Macromolecules And Their Turnover, Cell-Cell And Cell-Matrix Interactions, Cell Motility, Secretory Mechanisms, Membrane Function, Surfactant, Matrix Components, Mucus And Lining Materials, Lung Defenses, Macrophage Function, Transport Of Salt, Water And Protein, Development And Differentiation Of The Respiratory System, And Response To The Environment. |
Sobre a Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol
The American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology publishes original research covering the broad scope of molecular, cellular, and integrative aspects of normal and abnormal function of cells and components of the respiratory system. Reports of research using innovative approaches in cell and organ physiology, molecular and cellular biology, molecular genetics, genomics including animal models of integrative function, biochemistry, biophysics, and morphology, are welcome. The Journal also encourages submission of original manuscripts in the field of translational physiology, an area of research that bridges the gap between basic lung, cellular, and molecular physiology and patient care.
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Revisores/especialistas qualificados em Airways, Pulmonary Circulation, Lung Endothelial And Epithelial Cells, The Pleura, Neuroendocrine And Immunologic Cells In The Lung, Neural Cells Involved In Control Of Breathing, Cells Of The Diaphragm And Thoracic Muscles, Gas-Exchange, Metabolic Control At The Cellular Level, Intracellular Signaling, Gene Expression, Genomics, Macromolecules And Their Turnover, Cell-Cell And Cell-Matrix Interactions, Cell Motility, Secretory Mechanisms, Membrane Function, Surfactant, Matrix Components, Mucus And Lining Materials, Lung Defenses, Macrophage Function, Transport Of Salt, Water And Protein, Development And Differentiation Of The Respiratory System, And Response To The Environment.trabalham em seu manuscrito
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